Shipping information

What Shipping Methods Are Available?

Different shipping methods are available depending on where the item is being shipped. International deliveries to most European countries are via courier or postal services. Deliveries outside Europe are only made via the postal service. Ship the goods by express to the address specified by the buyer. Delivery via postal service to the local post office at the specified address.

Do You Ship Internationally?

We ship worldwide, free shipping on purchases over $150

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

Express delivery within Europe usually takes 3-5 working days after you place your order and receive payment. Postal services within Europe usually ship your order within 5-8 working days after you place your order and receive payment. Delivery outside Europe may take up to 14 working days depending on delivery location. These delivery times are a guide only and may be delayed by couriers or other suppliers or due to peak periods.

Orders and returns

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and any other method that may be supported. You can also pay online through your PayPal account. Due to the particularity of the product, our payment method is relatively single, and we apologize for this!

Why is my Debit/Credit card payment not going through?

All credit/debit card holders are subject to verification checks and authorization by the card issuer. Sometimes your payment card issuer may refuse to authorize a payment for security or other reasons. In this case, you should contact your card issuer for more information.

What Do You Do With My Information?

We use your information to fulfill your order accurately and quickly and improve your shopping experience. We respect your privacy and will never share this information with anyone, except in connection with your order. If you would like more information, please review our Privacy Policy.

Email 1

Our Email:


Our phone number:

(406) 5386-06720

envyheel r

Our Address:

Wan Chai Interchange, Wan Chai District, Hong Kong SAR

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